Our Mission
To provide excellent Reformed education for elementary-aged students in the London area.
Our Vision
Our purpose is to equip covenant children for a life of kingdom service through Reformed, Christ-centred education.
The basis of this education and instruction is the infallible Word of God as confessed in Three Forms of Unity; namely the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort.
The General Aims of the Education at Covenant Christian School
The education at Covenant Christian School is intended to assist the parents in the task of raising their children to know God as the only source of knowledge and wisdom. Therefore, teaching academic subjects goes beyond content, and includes developing discernment, love for God and neighbour, and an understanding of the children’s task in His world.
Our Membership and Supporting Community
In the early 1970’s, members of the Canadian Reformed Churches of London and Watford (now Kerwood) began to work towards establishing a school that would reflect the Biblical worldview of church and home, and would help parents fulfill promises made at the baptism of their children. Thus, Covenant Christian School opened its doors in the fall of 1976.
Although small in size, God blessed the school through many years of faithful instruction at the original site on White Oak Road. Covenant Christian School was incorporated in 2000. In the summer of 2003, constitutional changes were made by the society to allow membership for parents who belong to churches with which the Canadian Reformed Churches have ecclesiastical fellowship, and with which the Canadian Reformed Churches are mutually seeking unity. This enabled more families to enrol their children at CCS. The Lord further blessed the society with the purchase of another school building, located in Lambeth, in late 2008. Since moving to this building, the Lord has richly blessed the school community with great growth. We now have students from at least eight different congregations, from the Canadian Reformed, United Reformed and Free Reformed denominations.
The school consists of grades Kindergarten through grade eight. The geographical area that is served by Covenant Christian School extends from Wyoming in the west, near St. Mary’s in the North, near Woodstock in the east, and near Aylmer in the south. Transportation is provided in most rural areas by Providence Reformed Collegiate in Komoka. Students living in London and surrounding area who are not on the bus route make alternative arrangements.
CCS has been recently blessed with an expansion to our facilities that now supports over 160 students. The Lord has continued to provide for us in His way and in His time. He has shown us over and over that He is faithful. He has instilled in parents the desire to have their children instructed in the fear of the Lord. He has supplied staff, students, and supporters as well as the financial resources to keep the school operational for so many years. To Him belongs the praise and the Glory for what He has accomplished.