10:00 AM10:00


A fun day for students and parents:

Touch a truck, Train ride, Bouncy castle obstacle course, Candyland, Toddler, area, Hanging baskets and ferns, Face painting and tatoos, Bake sale Giant slingshot, Cafe and much more!

Food 11:00 am to 1:00 pm

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7:30 PM19:30

Taco and Trivia Night

Save the date for a new exciting event this year! Grab your 5 smartest friends, brush up on your trivia knowledge and come out to CCS on November 15 at 7:30 PM for Tacos and Trivia! This exciting event promises to be fun, educational, competitive and delicious! You may register in teams of 6 people, however if you do not have a team, please still sign up and we can put you on one!  

Entrance to this event will be by donation. In order to help offset some of the costs, we would love to have businesses or individuals sponsor a category! You may donate an amount of your choosing and your company will be advertised during a category (if you would like to advertise). Please email marketplace@ccslondon.org to register or to discuss being a sponsor. 

Doors open at 7 pm, with the event beginning at 7:30 sharp.

Beverages will be provided.

RSVP to marketplace@ccslondon.org

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9:00 AM09:00

Closing Assembly

Dear Parents and CCS Supporters!

We hope you will join us tomorrow (Thursday) June 20th, for our closing assembly.  The assembly will begin at 9:00am.  Please join us as we reflect on God’s many blessings throughout another school year, but also as we say goodbye to Mr. Wolski.  We hope that many of you are able to attend!


We will also have our lost and found items on display by the library.  Please take a look to see if any of your children’s belongings need to be claimed.  All unclaimed items will be donated.

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5:30 PM17:30


Please join us November 24th at Covenant Christian School for a night out with family & friends. Winterfest begins at 5:30 p.m. and we will have lots of yummy food to purchase, a bake sale, outdoor arrangements, movies, games, sipology, planters, fun for the kids, and lots of fellowship!

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Springfest Bazaar and Fun Fair
10:00 AM10:00

Springfest Bazaar and Fun Fair

Please join us on May 11th from 10am-2pm for our annual Springfest Bazaar and Fun Fair. Bring your friends and family for a day of fun for all ages!  Take a ride on the go-cart track, bouncy castles, carnival games, pony rides, Dutch Room, Bake Room, Candy Room, flowers, gifts and so much more!   Enjoy a BBQ lunch at the food court or a coffee and treat at the Café.  Paw Patrol will be visiting the school for this event.  We look forward to seeing you there!

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1st Annual Volleyball Tournament
9:00 AM09:00

1st Annual Volleyball Tournament

  • 11 Buchanan Court London, ON, N5Z 4P9 Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

CCS is hosting its first annual volleyball tournament on October 13 at Supreme Courts in London.  There will be competitive and recreational divisions. All players must be high school age and up. Gather your friends, teachers, board members etc, and come out for a day of fun and fundraising! Please contact Kate Pastoor at 226-456-4147 or skpastoor@gmail.com or April Werkema 519-608-6959 or kawerkema@gmail.com for more details and to reserve a spot for your team. We look forward to seeing you there!

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Back to School BBQ
5:00 PM17:00

Back to School BBQ

  • 7 Howard Avenue London, ON, N6P 1B8 Canada (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Friends and families of CCS are invited to the annual kick off BBQ for a time of fellowship and to meet the new teachers. The fun begins at 5:00 on Sept 8 with the meal served at 5:30. Families A-O bring a dessert and P-Z a salad to share. Pork on a bun/beverages will be provided. Rain date is Sept 15.

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